Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Quick Thoughts Today

March 25, 2008

First and foremost, let's have a moment of silence for the 4,000 Americans who have lost their lives in Iraq. Ultimate sacrifice for your country, in a war about half the country doesn't understand...that's worth a little respect.

If you want to see the best package I came across which addresses this "milestone", take a look at today's New York Times - it includes pictures of the latest 1,000 dead servicemen/women and e-mails sent by troops back home before their death. Really, take a look.

The only other thing I want to say today is SHAME on USA Today for their yellow-journalism headline on the front page today, obviously (and shamelessly) designed to attract readers to what amounted to be a very lame, uninformative story.

On the Today's front page was a glowing picture of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton actually looking like they like each other and the words: "Dream Team Ticket - More than just a wish". Which, of course, sent half the country into a hyperventilating type of breathing and scrambling to read if in fact the two had decided to join forces against the evil foe, John McCain.

Instead the story talked about how a dream team ticket is possible but, ultimately, unlikely. It was like plastoring a six-year old picture of Brittany Spears on the cover and saying, "Spears - Hot and Talented again" over it. Possible? Perhaps. But then again, anything's possible...I believe is what our parents told us.

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